(Inspiration from Matt C.’s blog)

📨 Mail Client: Hey.com

📮 Mail Server: Hey.com

📝 Notes: iA Writer.

✅ To-Do: Things

📷 Photo Shooting: iPhone 14 Pro.

🎨 Photo Editing: Photos.

📆 Calendar: macOS Calender

📁 Cloud File Storage: Dropbox and iCloud Drive

📖 RSS: Feedbin

🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts: macOS Contacts

🌐 Browser: Desktop: Google Chrome. iOS: Safari.

💬 Chat: Slack, iMessages

🔖 Bookmarks: Micro.blog

📑 Read It Later: Instapaper

📜 Word Processing: Word (work)

📈 Spreadsheets: Excel and Google Sheets

📊 Presentations: Google Slides

🛒 Shopping Lists: Things

🍴 Meal Planning: Mela

💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: N/A

📰 News: Feedbin

🎵 Music: Spotify

🎤 Podcasts: Overcast

🔐 Password Management: 1Password

🧑‍💻 Code Editor: Nova

✈️ VPN: OpenConnect

🌎 Blogging: Micro.blog